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"Sa-mo-yed": It’s Siberian for Family, Fun, and Fur

Samoyeds are great family pets and were raised to be members of their family. Developed by the Samoyede nomadic tribe that lived on the tundra of northern Russia and Siberia, they are working dogs meant to pull sleds, herd livestock, and hunt. Most Samoyeds are covered in solid color coats of white, cream, and biscuit, have triangular ears and sweeping tails. These exceptionally friendly and active dogs thrive in family settings, and make great watchdogs. Their clever nature makes them easy to train, but their playful nature can cause a bit of mischief. Perfect for owners with a more active lifestyle, Sammies love to be a part of outdoor activities where they can run and interact with their companions. Built with grace and functionality, these thickly coated dogs are impervious to cold, and can handle sub-zero weather. Even their mouth, which is often considered to be in a perpetual smile, has its corners upturned to prevent drooling so that icicles don’t form on the face. If you’re interested in adopting a Samoyed today, contact Peak Legacy Ranch or start your appointment online.


Samoyeds have not changed much in appearance or temperament since their origins dating back to 1000 BCE. The nomadic Samoyede people lived near the Arctic Circle north of Russia and Siberia, and bred Sammies to herd reindeer, pull sleds, and hunt, but also to be a part of their family, with humans and dogs oftentimes living within the same dwellings. European polar explorers found and retrieved some Samoyeds home with them in the mid-1800s, where they first became popular with the British aristocracy, and then spread throughout the world in the early 20th century.


Sammies are extremely friendly, outgoing, and affectionate furry friends who thrive on socializing. While energetic, they are also affectionate and gentle dogs who love to be a part of a family or team, making them great around children and other pets. They are a clever breed that is easy to train as they enjoy interacting with their owners, though they do have a playfully mischievous side. Samoyeds are working dogs at heart, so the more physical and mental stimulation they receive, the happier they will be.


Samoyeds are an adaptable breed and due to their cuddly nature while inside their home, some are perfectly fine living in apartments while receiving enough exercise. Sammies do tend to bark, however, so places with a yard may be more suited for them to be able to run around burning off some energy. Any outside area should be properly secured as Sammies do like to go on adventures. Since they are built for colder conditions, Samoyeds do not do well in the heat, so it’s important to make proper preparations to avoid heatstroke.


Ranging from 35 to 65 pounds, Samoyeds average about 20 inches in height, and these frisky pals need at least two hours of exercise a day. One of the preferred forms of exercising a Sammie are long walks, lasting about an hour each time. Going on hikes is also an option, but just remember that they do not do well with the heat when taking them out in warmer seasons.


These double-coated dogs require frequent maintenance on their fur, which sheds heavily. Regular brushing is a must to keep the shedding under control, which increases during the spring and fall seasons. Fortunately, Samoyed’s fur is so clean that baths are recommended only once every three months or so. Other items to keep in mind are nail trimming, ear cleaning, and dental hygiene to maintain the overall health of your furry friend.